PR Freelancers On Demand
Instant, Vetted and No Fees

Finding great people is hard. Finding great freelancers is harder.
Get matched with best-in-class PRs instantly, without recruitment fees.


Get matched today and power up your team

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*Nibble adds a small 2.6% processing fee at checkout

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Top PRs Only
We’re the only PR-focussed platform of its kind that pre-screens and interviews every freelancer, all of whom come highly recommended.

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No Recruitment Fees
Set your budget and hire. What freelancers quote is what you pay*.

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Free to Sign Up
It costs nothing to post a brief to start matching with best-in-class PRs who are ready to deliver the work.

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Instant Matches and Calls
Don’t wait for recruiters to send CVs. Start hiring and interviewing the moment you need to, and take control of your agency’s growth potential.

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AI-powered Matches
Save time with a shortlist of up to 10 of the best matches for your work, and ‘Top Match’ statuses for freelancers with a great Nibble record.

*Nibble adds a small 2.6% processing fee at checkout


Hire as and when you need without waiting for CVs

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Post a Brief

Explain the work in minutes with our intuitive Q&A. Your brief is confidential and hidden from Google. Only your matches will see it.



Review freelancer profiles, past work, reviews and Nibble ratings for up to 10 AI-matched PRs, saving you time sifting through endless CVs.


Book Calls

Schedule a Zoom or have one instantly without leaving Nibble, making it quicker to find a top freelance PR.


Review Proposals

Freelancers share a summary of why they are right for the work and outline how they will achieve the results.


Pay and Hire

Pay on Nibble to confirm your PR. Funds are held securely by Stripe so freelancers have the confidence to get started, whilst keeping you in control of the payout date.


Stay in control of freelancer payouts, in line with results

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Ongoing Support

From £1,500 per month

  • Paid and held at the start of each monthly period
  • Released to freelancers at the end of the monthly period
  • 7 day window after month end to pause payouts
  • One month minimum, cancel anytime
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Project Work

From £2,500 per project

  • Paid and held at the point of hire
  • 50% released to freelancers after the start date
  • 50% released to freelancers upon completion
  • 7 day window after each stage to pause payouts

We’re on a mission to enhance the PR industry as a whole

Boost the output of your current team without paying costly recruitment fees

Quickly and seamlessly integrate our pre-screened PR freelancers into your agency to instantly add extra manpower, all through the Nibble platform.

Sign Up
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Delegate entire
project or clients

Nibble freelancers are experienced working independently and can manage entire projects and retainers from start to finish, behind the scenes or client-facing.

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Keep and grow
your clients

Retain your clients with the potential to grow with you, instead of referring or declining, without compromising on the quality of work needed from smaller budgets.

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Assign lower margin

Assign elements of projects or retainers to a Nibble freelancer to increase profitability of the account without impacting results.

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Add specialists
to your agency

Win more or extra work by adding niche industry or specialist experience to your current team, from highly recommended PRs.

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